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Dangerous Contaminants Found In Tap Water

June 09 2022

A three-year survey of the country's drinking water by the Environmental Working Group

(EWG) found that water flowing to about 85% of the population contains 316 contaminants - more than 60% of which have no safety standards and are not regulated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection mechanism.

Some of the most concerning contaminants lurking in tap water may include:


Lead enters drinking water primarily through leaching of lead-corroded pipes and plumbing fixtures. Once children are exposed to this toxic pollutant, they can suffer permanent brain damage, which often leads to an increase in violent behavior and learning disabilities. In adults, even low levels of lead can cause reproductive problems, seizures, and nausea. Usually, you cannot see, taste or smell lead in drinking water. The only way to determine if your drinking water contains lead is to use a home water testing kit for testing, or to send a water sample to a laboratory for testing.


Chlorine has been used for decades as a strong oxidant and disinfectant as part of water treatment processes to eliminate microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. The most common use is chloramines formed when ammonia and chlorine are combined to treat tap water. This blend is EPA compliant and safe for cooking, drinking and bathing. However, chlorine can leave an unpleasant odor and taste, making it unfit for drinking. It may also cause irritation to the skin and eyes and cause an upset stomach if consumed. Each municipality is responsible for testing its own water supply. Not all water quality is the same, which means your tap water may have more chlorine than recommended.


Arsenic is a naturally occurring element in the earth's crust. It is also present in air, food and water. Once ingested, arsenic increases the risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. It is also said to cause problems with brain development in children.


The pesticides pass through the sewer from drains within home, carrying all wastewater to the treatment plant, where it remains untreated throughout the detoxification process. Hundreds of different compounds have seldom be tested on how these contaminants affect our health.


Cysts are microbial parasites that can be found in lakes and rivers and can enter water through sewage, septic tank leaks, and feedlot runoff. Many cysts are resistant to the disinfection process of water, making cysts in tap water a health risk.

Benefit from Purified Water

As the quality of drinking water continues to deteriorate, you must explore different ways to protect you and your family from the adverse health effects of these contaminants. Installing a quality refrigerator water filtration system may be the best way to achieve this. If you need more information about these systems or are having difficulty deciding on a specific model, please contact Morefilter and we provide compatible refrigerator water filter.




